This site allows for anonymous comments, without needing to verify your identity or e-mail address. However we do use a cookie to track your session (also for anonymous users) and we do store your IP Address if you decide to place a comment. If the comment you place is malicious, unethical and/or against the policy of philosophy of the site, we will block your IP address from allowing to place further comments. This is the only reason we store your IP address.
We do not share (or resell) information we collect on this website, with third parties. All information, nicknames, contact information, personal messages shared with us, will be considered confidential.
User accounts created on this site, as well, are not mandated to have real identity or contact information. However If you do not supply contact information and you lose your password, since there is no way to verify your identity, unfortunately we cannot help you to reset your password.
All passwords supplied and stored on this site, are salted and hash encrypted. It means not even the administrators of this site will know what password you used. The passwords are stored in a MySQL database which is not accessible through external connections.
The website is mostly custom built, only using bootstrap 4.0 and JQuery. The back-end is fully custom-coded in PHP. We do not use an open source template system or a WYSIWYG website like Jimdo/Wix. Without access to our source code or using a template site, it is a lot more difficult for hackers to crack the security of this site, than if we were using WordPress or WIX or Joombla.
When you have a new user account, it is mandatory to change your password on first time log in.
The user is fully responsible to use a safe password. We are not responsible if any third party manages to steal or guessing your password correctly.